Running Workout Routines

Running Workout Routines

Mixing it up!
If there’s any downside to running, it’s the potential for boredom to set in very quickly.
This is understandable, as many people find a comfortable running pace and stick with it for some time. It feels right, so why change it?
But in order to keep progressing and improving (whether you’re running for weight loss or overall health and fitness), you need to get out of the same routine and mix things up a bit. Sticking with that same average pace is only going to give you average results.
Adding variety to your running workout routines is also helpful if your goal involves a marathon or race of some kind. By changing things up, you’ll better prepare your body and increase your overall endurance.
Let’s look at 5 different running workout routines…
Long Run – This is the easiest way to change things up. The goal of the long run is to simply extend your running time by 10 minutes or more, on occasion. But doing this once or twice a week, you’ll break your body’s expectations and notice huge improvements in your level of endurance.
Hills Routine – If you’re more interested in improving your strength, then a hills routine is just what you’re looking for. Running on an incline requires greater muscle contraction and produces more resistance for your leg muscles, almost as if you were using the leg press machine at the gym. The variable slopes will also improve your cardiovascular health. If you’re a beginner, take it easy at first, as this one can quickly drain your energy.
Tempo Run – This one is more appropriate for intermediate runners, but it’s incredibly effective. The goal of a tempo run is to sustain am intense run consistently over a given period of time. Start out with a warm up (a light jog is appropriate) for 5-10 minutes. Then, increase your speed to a challenging level and sustain that level for the next 15-20 minutes. End with a 5-10 minute cool-down. This one takes a bit of dedication and control.
Intervals – The goal of intervals is to repeatedly vary your speed during your run. You can do this using some sort of preset pattern, or you can change it as you go. Start with a 5-10 minute warm-up, then increase to a desired speed and stay there for 2-3 minutes. At the end of that interval, either drop or increase your speed. Keep moving through interval speeds in this nature, spending no more than 5 minutes in each.
HIIT – This one’s super intense. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is all about short bursts of high intensity exercises. When it comes to running, HIIT translates into sprinting. The goal is to engage in a series of consecutive sprints at a near maximum intensity level. Your rest in between sprints should be very brief, and an entire HIIT running routine can last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. If you want to burn a ton of calories and fat, this one’s for you!
Running in Comfort
If you’re looking for a comfortable, lightweight running shoe, my absolute top pick is the Nike Zoom. This has been shoe of choice for the last few years, and it never disappoints. Check out the Nike Zoom for Men and the Nike Zoom for Women.
Tracking Your Progress
Feedback is important in any workout routine, but you don’t need a personal trainer to track your progress. Something as simple as this Bowflex Classic Strapless Heart Rate Monitor is enough to keep you totally motivated! Get in your running zone…

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