Hypnosis Weight Loss Is Your Best Weight Loss Program - Four Issues You Must Know Before You Start

You're interested in using hypnosis weight loss. You're wondering if you can make it your best weight loss program. There are four issues you must know before using hypnosis for weight loss, and choosing the best weight loss diet.
You are overweight. You've tried to loss weight in the past, but you just can't seem to keep it off. You've probably tried to lose weight many times in the past. You've tried one fast weight loss diet for quick weight loss, then the next best weight loss diet, always searching for the ultimate best weight loss program that will give you quick weight loss, and help you to keep it off permanently.
You realize that you're overweight due to poor eating habits and an out of control appetite. You eat too much and you can't seem to stop. You want a solution to keep yourself from overeating. You need something to suppress your overactive appetite. But be aware. Before you try any other diets for quick weight loss, or you buy or use one more solution, remedy, or weight loss program, you must completely understand the reasons why you eat, and the reasons that compel you to overeat.
People must eat. The human body requires food in order to survive. However, if you only ate the amount of food that your body needed to live a healthy life, you would never overeat!
There are three primary issues driving your cravings and urges to eat.. The first issue is simple hunger. Your body needs food. At certain times this need brings forth a feeling of hunger, and the urge to eat something. As I said before, if the only time you ate was when your body needed food, you would never overeat and become overweight.
The second issue that triggers oral cravings and appetite is the fact that eating food provides temporary relaxation and pleasure. This started while you were still an infant. When you felt hunger pangs, you'd get fussy and cry. Your mother would then stick a bottle filled with baby formula into your mouth. You quickly lost the hunger pains, and you also immediately felt great pleasure You soon relaxed and fell asleep.
Your subconscious mind was strongly imprinted by your very early experiences of eating...your hunger pain went away...you felt pleasure...you became relaxed. From that time on, your subconscious mind associated food in your mouth with pleasure and relaxation. Now, as an adult, every time you feel nervous, stressed, or upset, you have a strong urge to put drink, or food into your mouth so you can experience those feelings of relaxation, and pleasure again.
The next issue that triggers oral cravings and appetite is that eating can become a conditioned response. Remember learning about the scientist, Pavlov. Pavlov worked with dogs. Every time he would feed them, he would simultaneously ring a bell. He found that after a short time, all he had to do was ring the bell, and the dogs would begin to salivate. The animals' brains had associated the sound of the bell with food. Their bodies automatically responded to the bell by producing saliva in their mouths.
These same responses occur in people. If you eat and simultaneously watch television, your mind will make a picture of you putting food into your mouth. It connects it with the image of the television. From there on, every time you watch television, your mind will fill in the missing part of the picture, and it will flash an image of food in your mouth. You may then feel an urge to eat.
Most of the time, this mental picture is only at the level of the subconscious mind. You may not be consciously aware of the picture. And yet, the image is still there, and it will still create a craving for food, and a compulsion to eat. This can also happen if you eat while working on the computer, or eat in bed, or eat while you drive, or eat while watching other people eat, and so on. Soon, just about everything can cause you to unconsciously see food, and then these unconscious images can make you "feel" cravings for food, and push you to eat.
Next, we'll discuss the last and most debilitating issue that can create cravings and urges to eat. A great many people are compelled to overeat because of deep emotional reasons. Staying overweight can provide emotional protection against the challenges, and traumas we face in our daily lives. This may be difficult to understand, but it is a fact. Some individuals have deep subconscious motivations to continue to overeat, so they will remain overweight. It is often very difficult to overcome, because most compulsive emotional overeaters do not recognize this aspect in themselves.
Many of these people suffer from what is called, "The Yo-Yo Syndrome". They start a quick weight loss diet to lose weight fast, take some weight off, but then they eventually put more weight back on. Then they again start a new best weight loss diet to lose weight, take some weight off, and once again, put even more weight back on. This becomes a cycle which can continue for years. These individuals will have no understanding of what causes them to continually come up short and not follow through with their weight loss plans. They may feel that they are "failures."
Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. People don't fail overnight. Failure is the result of a long accumulation of poor thinking, poor choices, compounded by unhealthy actions. Simply put, failure is just a few bad decisions, bad choices, and destructive acts repeated over and over again, day after day. If this is the case, then the formula for success should just be a number of good decisions, wise choices, and healthy actions repeated over and over again, day after day.
For you to turn failure into success, and permanently lose weight, you must change your behavior. Your actions are influenced by your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. All of these things are controlled by your subconscious mind. In order to change your behavior, lose weight and change your life, you must achieve subconscious mind control and make a permanent change in your subconscious mind.
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy will always be outstanding tools for accessing and transforming the subconscious mind. There are many proven hypnosis methods and techniques that have been tested and used successfully for hundreds, and hundreds of years! Scores of individuals are trying hypnotherapy weight loss and gaining subconscious mind control, so they will lose weight easily and quickly.
Many people are successfully using hypnosis weight loss for fast weight loss, natural weight loss, healthy weight loss, and to lose weight permanently. So can you!
Just make a commitment, choose the best hypnosis for weight loss program, and the best weight loss diet plan that suits you, and start today.
If you want to learn more about why weight loss hypnosis is the best weight loss program to use, you can check out this article:
Weight Loss Hypnosis
Preston Masters has been a committed long-standing researcher into powerful modern and ancient techniques for gaining command of the subconscious mind through the use of hypnotherapy, and hypnosis. He has also spent most of his life investigating and utilizing the most potent, effective forms of healthy diet and exercise practices.
Mr. Masters enjoys helping others improve their lives and become the lean, trim, and fit people they so want and deserve to be by sharing my research findings and discoveries online in his blog: [http://www.HypnosisWeight-Loss.net]

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