Slimming and Belly Melting Drink

If you want to cut off some inches around the stomach area, than this homemade slimming drink will contribute greatly to melt the belly fat. Because folk medicine can often be really effective, we suggest you try this natural beverage that anyone can easily make it at home, and the results and effects are visibly noticed in daily consumption over a period of several weeks.
Grapefruit, which is the holder of the basic properties of this drink, is rich in vitamin C and is a powerful antioxidant that besides melting the fat can also help prevent aging. It is perfect for keeping the health of the gums and it’s responsible for the beautiful smile, and also helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. This fruit contains only 100 calories and helps the body hydrate.

-        2 quarts water
-        1 grapefruit
-        1 peeled tangerine or orange
-        Juice from 1 lemon
-        1/2 peeled cucumber (optional)
-        few fresh mint leaves
-        ice
Wash and clean the fruits and vegetables, then mash them (or blend them) and place them in a jug with water.
Add the mint and you can add the ice just before use.
Suggested Use
For the best effect let the freshly made slimming drink stand for at least 2 hours before consumption, and it is best if you drink it throughout the day, little by little.

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