How Works this juice in weight loss:

A compound in hot peppers called dihydrocapsiate has been shown to increase the body’s ability to burn fat when eaten three times per day. Capsaicin, the active ingredient in all peppers, significantly improves fat burning.  Additionally, peppers help boost energy levels as well, also speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight.
A compound contained in pineapple speeds up the digestion process, leading to a metabolism boost. The relatively low calorie content and energy density of pineapple may help fill you up while still staying within your recommended daily calorie goals for weight loss.


·      Pineapple,

·      Pimentos, or Paprika.

How to Make:
Make the juice of 5 large slices of fresh pineapple with the juice of 2 slices of hot peppers, pimentos, or paprika and drink once a day.